Savannah and Aunt Margaret open the old Forster home to the Hammond Cat Alliance for a fundraiser to help rehabilitate the abused horses rescued months earlier from the catnappers. Before the afternoon is over, the collected funds go missing and someone is murdered in an upstairs bedroom.
Suspicion surrounds Iris, a local waitress and Savannah’s new best friend. The only witness to the murder is Rags, Savannah’s cat. With the assistance of a cat
Detective Craig Sledge is new to this book, as is Damon, Iris’s errant son. Sledge finds this to be one of the muddiest cases he has ever worked, with inconsistent clues and no apparent motive. He’s constantly surprised, perplexed and impressed by the cat’s uncanny ability to come up with clues he has missed. His fascination with the attractive Iris Clampton also mystifies the detective.
In this story, one of the rescued horses goes into labor and there’s a night of high drama at the ole corral as veterinarians Savannah and Michael work to save the foal. This experience renews Savannah’s deep interest in horses and riding, which ultimately serves to help her bond with a very important surprise character who finds his way into her life and Michael’s just as they prepare to say their wedding vows.
While Rags is the animal star, he isn’t the only animal featured in this story. Layla is back in all of her tangerine beauty. And Rags makes friends with Buffy, a perky almost Himalayan and the inseparable duo, Walter, an all black cat and his sidekick, Lexie, a charming afghan mix. Savannah’s new ride, Peaches, also debuts in this story. An incident with this mare adds another dimension to Savannah’s and Michael’s relationship. Can he hold her with open arms?
Some say this is a love story with a mystery in the background. And it’s a story of family and friendship as newlyweds Margaret and Max continue to be a meaningful part of Savannah’s and Michael’s world. (Summary via Goodreads)
As soon as I finished the first book, Catnapped, in Patricia Fry's Klepto Cat Mystery series, I had to immediately start reading Cat-Eye Witness. I wasn't ready to leave Savannah, Michael and all the other friends I had made in the first book. In Catnapped you are introduced to everyone in town and you are just getting to know them and getting use to "being in a new environment" but once you start reading Cay-Eye Witness you are in love with everyone and beginning to feel like you belong there.
The characters that Fry writes about are people you will like, love and admire. Most of them are friends, have things in common and will do whatever they can to help each other out. And boy do some of them need extra help in Cat-Eye Witness !!!
Savannah has moved into her auntie's house and is working with Michael at his clinic after her aunt and Max got married at the end of the first book. They are having a fundraiser at the house to raise money to help horses in need when the money raised is stolen and a man is found dead in an upstairs bedroom. And if things couldn't get any worse, Savannah's new best friend Iris is looking like a top suspect, right up at the top of the list with her eldest son. And yup...worse yet is that Rags, the kleptomaniac cat, is acting very strangely. It is possible that Rags was witness to the murder and may even be able to identify the killer !!!
OMG I love these books !!! The imagination and creative way Fry writes and keeps the reader interesting is such an amazing talent !! I would have never imagined that a cat could identify a killer or help solve a crime but after reading these books, I think why not ? Anything is possible.....
The Klepto Cat Mystery series is off the charts FUN to read !! I am beginning to see why there are so many written in this series. And the way that Fry ends each book, there is NO doubt that I will continue reading these books. I cannot wait for more......
Review by Missi S.
I agree I have read all of the books and want to have all the characters as my friends and can't wait till the next I have a feeling you will too Missi S as each book is great happy reading