Literary caterer Letitia 'Tish' Tarragon is preparing her English Secret Garden-themed luncheon for Coleton Creek's annual garden club awards, but when she is taken on a tour of some of the top contenders with the garden club's president, Jim Ainsley, Tish is surprised at how seriously the residents take the awards - and how desperate they are to win. Wealthy, retired businessman Sloane Shackleford has won the coveted best garden category five years in a row, but he and his Bichon Frise, Biscuit, are universally despised. When Sloane's bludgeoned body is discovered in his pristine garden, Tish soon learns that he was disliked for reasons that go beyond his green fingers. Have the hotly contested awards brought out a competitive and murderous streak in one of the residents? (Summary via Goodreads)
Oh Amy what have you done ??
The Garden Club Murder is the second book in her Tish Tarragon Mystery series and the way she ends the story, the reader is left longing for the next book !! That is exactly what the reader wants out of the author and Amy Patricia Mead does NOT disappoint !!!!
In The Garden Club Murder Tish and crew are preparing for a luncheon at Coleton Creek. Coleton Creek is a retirement community that is holding their annual garden club competition and Tish has been hired to serve the food for the awards luncheon. In the middle of being introduced to the contestants and viewing their gardens, Tish and her hosts come across one of the residents dead in his garden. And to make matters worse, he is the resident that has won the competition the past 5 years.....and there is a long list of people who wouldn't be upset if he lost....but his life ??
The Garden Club Murder captures the readers attention immediately and holds its grip until the last sentence and that sentence will tighten its hold having the reader longing for the next book in the series. I, for one, did not need that last sentence to know that I will be back to visit Tish and her crew but that last sentence does make me want the next book to hurry up and get published !! Meade knows exactly how to keep fans on their toes !!!
Review by Missi M.
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