Thursday 21 May 2020

20 Questions with Authors : Nicole Asselin

Nicole Asselin's debut novel Murder at First Pitch was recently released and I know her and I will get along because we are both Red Sox fans and when you click onto her website the first thing you will see is an outside wall of The Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY which is about an hour from where I live.  I have been going to Cooperstown every summer since I was a little girl and I have a lot of fond memories going there.

But enough about me.  This isn't about getting to know me so let's see how Nicole answered these personal questions.......

1.  What is your favorite color ?  Emerald Green

2.  Sunset or sunrise ?  Sunrise (I'm an early bird)

3.  Coffee, tea or soda ?  Soda - Diet Coke

4.  What is your favorite movie ?  CenterStage

5.  What are your favorite toppings on pizza ?  I'm a purist.....cheese!

6.  Cake or pie ? What is your favorite ?  CAKE !! Funfetti

7.  Favorite author (besides yourself) ?  Ruth Ware, Kate Calisle, Catherine Coulter (too many othersto name!)

8.  Horror movie or chick flick ??  Chick Flick

9.  Cat or dog person ? Do you have any ? If so, what and names please....  Cat. I have three: Julia, Jacques, and Madeline

10.  Ideal vacation ?  A cottage on the west coast of Ireland with sheep around. No close neighbors, just cute Irish sheep farmers. :)

11.  Camping or 5 star hotel ?  5 star hotel all the way. I hate roughing” it.

12.  Favorite season and why ?  Fall.the colors! The crisp air! The sports!

13.  Name ONE thing you are afraid of ....  Fire in my house.

14.  Name ONE thing you cannot live without....  My kitties. Or my books

15.  What was your favorite subject in school ?  Not surprisingly..English. Oh! Or the history of Musical Theatre in HS.

16.  What was your least favorite subject in school ?  Any and all Math courses

17.  What movie have you seem more than once ?  Crossroads (Yes, the Britney Spears movie)

18.  What is your guilty pleasure ?  (Can't be an answer already given...)  Britney Spears albums.

19.  Who is your celebrity crush ?  Historically Gene Kelly Currently Chris Evans

20.  Tell us something we don't know that you would like people to know about you ......   Hmmm..I took dance lessons for over 20 years. Ballet, tap and jazz and minored in it in college.

Learn more about Nicole at :

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