Friday 23 August 2019

Thread and Gone (Mainely Needlepoint #3) by Lea Wait

Thread and Gone (Mainely Needlepoint, #3)
When a priceless antique is stolen, murder unravels the peaceful seaside town of Haven Harbor, Maine. . .

Angie Curtis and her fellow Mainely Needlepointers know how to enjoy their holidays. But nothing grabs their attention like tying up loose threads. So when Mary Clough drops in on the group's Fourth of July supper with a question about an antique needlepoint she's discovered in her family attic, Angie and her ravelers are happy to look into the matter.

Angie's best guess is that the mystery piece may have been stitched by Mary, Queen of Scots, famous not just for losing her head, but also for her needlepointing. If Angie's right, the piece would be extremely valuable. For safekeeping, Angie turns the piece over to her family lawyer, who places it in a safe in her office. But when the lawyer is found dead with the safe open and ransacked, the real mystery begins. . .
    (Summary via Goodreads)

Angie Curtis sure knows how to get in the middle of a murder....and she doesn't even try !!

In Thread and Gone, the third book in the Mainely Needlepoint Mystery series by Lea Wait, a young couple come to Angie to ask her help with an old piece of embroidery the girl found in her attic.  Mary Clough is going through her house and she comes across an old piece of needlepoint and when her fiance's brother tells her to talk to Angie, she does.....after all the brother is Ethan Trask a state trooper than Angie's known since high school.  Angie and some of her Mainely Needlepointers realize that it does have a history so they encourage Mary to let Angie research it.  They also all agree to give it to Angie's lawyer, Lenore Pendleton, to keep in her safe while they investigate it's history.

Little did any of they know that Lenore would end up murdered and the contents of her safe stolen !!  Not only does Angie take it personally because she was the one to suggest taking in to Lenore for safekeeping, she really likes Mary and wants to help her find out the history behind it.

You cannot help but love Angie and her town and the people in it.  Lea Wait writes Haven Harbor in such a way that the reader will want to visit and maybe even move there.  All of the people that are around Angie are people that the reader can relate to and even long for as real friends.

There is nothing better than settling down with a good book that captures your attention and takes you away....and the Mainely Needlepoint Mystery series is just that kind of series.  Every time you pick up one of the books in the series, you feel like you are returning home for a visit......

Review by Missi M.

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