Monday 31 October 2016


THANK YOU for your interest in Cozy Mystery Book Reviews and for sending your books to us to read and promote !!  

I, also, must apologize for any delays in providing our reviews.  As you know this is a non-profit blog and we do our best to provide reviews in a timely manner.  Unfortunately Penny and I have had to focus our time on things in our personal lives.  

HOWEVER, I am now able to focus more on what I LOVE to, read, & read ! 

Although there is a backlog of reading to be done, I am focused on tackling that.  I have begun the search for another book loving individual who is willing to help us with reading and reviewing.

***If you have already sent your book and haven't heard back from me with the posting information or haven't seem it on the blog.....PLEASE BE PATIENT !!!  Also if you have a book coming out or has been out that you would love to be featured on the blog, please email me all the information.  And lastly, if I have all the information and your book has not been reviewed and posted and you have a DATE you would like it by, please email me that information.

Also I will be getting back to do AUTHOR REVIEWS & GIVEAWAYS !!!!  I have spoken to some authors and will begin working on those in the very near future !!  If you are an author and are willing to tell me your dark, deep writing secrets... or whatever,  and are willing to do a book giveaway, please email me ! ! !

The email is :

Thank you ! ! ! ! ! ! 

Missi & Penny

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