
Tuesday 20 October 2015

Sad day in the Book World.... The passing of Joyce Lavene

It is with a heavy shocked heart that I post this.....  A wonderful and amazing author, Joyce Lavene, has passed away today.  If you are a member of Facebook, you may have already heard of this news.  Everyone in the book world is commenting on this unbelieveable news.

As you know I recently posted a book review of my favoriite book, The Tell Tale Turtle, which was written by Joyce with her husband Jim.  Joyce and Jim as a team wrote a number of books together and even some separately.

If you aren't aware of who I am speaking of, you may want to check out their website :

They have written over 60 books ! !  You may have read a book written by J.J. Cook or Ellie Grant.... Those are pseudonym's for Joyce and Jim.

My heart and deepest sympathies go out to Jim, his family and all of the people that Joyce has touched through her writing and her kind heart.  

I would love to say more but I am in complete shock....a part of me is numb.  However I will be posting more of a tribute to Joyce and will be doing something book related in her honor......  So check back soon ! ! !

RIP Joyce  :(

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting about Joyce, Missi. I'll keep an eye out for your post later on today.
