
About/Contact Us

Cozy Mystery Book Reviews is a site dedicated to cozy mysteries.

For review requests please email cozymysterybookreviews[at]gmail[dot]com.

Our review policy fine print:
- This blog is managed by Missi.
- We review cozy mysteries only. Requests for other genres will be ignored.
- We only post positive reviews. If you don't see your review on the blog, either our reviewer decided to pass on reviewing, or hasn't gotten to reviewing your book yet.
Please don't email us asking us where your review is. This is not our full-time job. We are not paid to review.

1 comment:

  1. hi i have a new cozy series on kindle and need reviews "it all comes out in the wash" book one in the silver lake series (book two due this winter) by my pseudo sophia watson. my real name is cathy smith, see my page on facebook too....thanks.
