A magic mirror. An enchanted world. A mysterious story-telling ghost. A hilarious, perpetually annoyed witch. A smart, sassy cat. A mystery of finding a dead body . . . of someone who was already dead. Visit Destiny Falls and escape to a great time.
A mysterious old man keeps popping up to tell Hayden a series of tall tales. Who is he? And is he actually glowing? Are his stories fiction, or is he telling her the history of her family, the enchanted islands, and the witch? And why did a dead body show up . . . of someone who was already dead? Can Hayden and her quirky sidekick, Latifa unscramble this mystery?
Hayden’s adventures in the magical world of Destiny Falls continue in this gripping story that answers your questions about the mysterious world she entered through a mirror in book one, Falling into Magic. We learn more about her missing mother, whose story begins in book two, The Disappearance of Emily.
“I. Can’t. Even! Elizabeth Pantley, amazingly, magically, has outdone herself once again! The mystery, magic, carefully and delicately woven story and history held me captive!” ~ Georgeanne, Goodreads
“I absolutely LOVE book 3 of this series! An intriguing story... So many new twists and turns!” ~ Linda, Goodreads
Reviews for The Destiny Falls Series
"A captivating read! I couldn't put it down." ~ Goodreads
"My favorite series in the whole wide world." ~ Elza Reads
"Will blow you away!" ~ Cozy Mystery Book Reviews
"A mix of unique characters, romance, mystery, and magic.” ~ Goodreads
"Just when I thought I knew who the killer was, BAM, a twist." ~ Leslie, Storeybook Reviews
Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents. Her books are published in over twenty languages. She is also the author of the popular Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and is the mother of four and Nana to one. She hopes you have as much fun reading the Destiny Falls books as she enjoys writing them. Visit her & sign up for her mailing list at nocrysolution.com. (Summary via Goodreads)
The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales is the third book in the Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series by Elizabeth Pantley and even though you don't have to read the previous books, I highly recommend it. There is so much with this series that I'd love for you to have the complete picture.
In this series we are introduced to Hayden who fell through a magical mirror and ended up in a place called Destiny Falls where she is introduced to a whole family she never knew existed. She was raised by her grandmother and great-grandmother after her father and brother went missing and her mother ran away. But after she falls through the mirror she is reunited with her father and brother as well as her paternal grandparents, two half-sisters, a half-brother and a fairy tale estate and town.....but there is a dark side that she is pulled toward that is beyond dangerous.
In The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales, book three, Hayden is still getting to know her new family and the town they live in and she is enjoying everything about it....except for finding dead bodies. For some unknown reason it seems she is always tied to a dead body and the story behind it and in this book, that is again the same thing,
While Hayden and her friend Olivia are out on a hike they come across what they think is a jacket in the bushes but it turns out to be a dead body.....but this particular body was thought to be dead a month ago but it looks like the body in front of them only recently died. Once it is confirmed that the body is indeed Kerbie Gomez, that leaves everyone scrambling to find out what happened. Kerbie had been convicted on a murder and was believed to be in police custody and being transported somewhere when the car went over a cliff and caught on fire. Even though his body wasn't recovered, there was no way anyone could have survived....or so they thought.
Luckily Hayden runs the Destiny Falls Observer which allows her to be in on the investigations....which she would do even if she wasn't allowed. She cannot seem to leave the investigations to the professionals.
In the Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series there is good magic and bad magic. Destiny Falls and its citizens consist of good and there is an island called Gladstone which is thought to be where the bad magic lives. In The Ghost Camper's Tall Tales Hayden receives a letter presumably from her mother and it says that she did not run away like everyone thought but she was taken to reside at Gladstone and she has been trying to leave to get to Hayden but there is a power that keeps her away.
While Hayden and crew are trying to figure out Kerbie's story, Hayden tells her family about the letter from her mother and they try to find out if it is indeed from her mother. Hayden loves her family and will do whatever she can to reunite them all.....even if it is dangerous !!
Readers cannot help but fall in love with Hayden and Destiny Falls and want to move there with her. You will love how the estate and the rooms change to accommodate the situation, that her cat and her can communicate with each other, the love the family has for each other and the town and all the businesses Hayden visits.
There is so much that I can continue to tell you about this series, the people, the town, the magic, the storyline and the secrets but that will take away from you grabbing your copies and start reading. Once you open one of the books in this series, you will be taken to a magical place, with a touch of danger, and a lot of secrets to discover and like Hayden, you will NOT want it to end !!!
Review by Missi M.